
Stephanie Fields Stephanie Fields

Stephanie Fields

Better Design Through Discovery

Twitter bird icon@lilsooner

Ryan Singer Ryan Singer

Ryan Singer

UI Design Decisions

Twitter bird icon@rjs

Ethan Marcotte Ethan Marcotte

Ethan Marcotte

Responsive Web Design

Twitter bird icon@beep

Brandon Jones Brandon Jones

Brandon Jones

Making Money with Web Design

Twitter bird icon@makedesign

Chris Coyier Chris Coyier

Chris Coyier

CSS Pseudo Elements for Fun and Profit

Twitter bird icon@chriscoyier

Allison House Allison House

Allison House

Web Typography and the Case of the Voluptuous Curl

Twitter bird icon@house


The Third Time Was a Charm

Illustration of Dan and the Front-End Conf sign

We learned so much in the first 2 years and made enough friends that the third year really took off. We have always intended for this to be a small event, so we had set a 200 ticket cap. We were very fortunate to sell out a month early, which freed us up to focus on making the day special instead of promoting. The results were fantastic and we found a wonderful new location.

The speakers rocked the day, continuing in the #frontendconf tradition of delivering awesome presentations and being very approachable. We also focused a lot more on being approachable ourselves because we had so much less stress with being sold out. The Day 2 presentations were really good as well and we even had a small contest for another character.

- Dan