James May
Better Design Through Discovery
Better Design Through Discovery
Better Design Through Discovery
UI Design Decisions
jQuery Nuts, Bolts and Bling
Responsive Web Design
Making Money with Web Design
CSS Pseudo Elements for Fun and Profit
Web Typography and the Case of the Voluptuous Curl
Freshbooks - The Leader in Online Invoicing
Relevance - We Know Software
Carbon Ads - Single, relevant ad that appeals to visitors of websites with common influence
Threadbird - Quality Screen Printing
Stickermule - Custom stickers that kick ass
CustomBags HQ - Custom Printed Bags
Javi Fick Motion Art - A visual artist, of sorts
LessAccounting - Small business accounting software
Less Films - Ridiculously good at crafting videos that increase sales
We learned so much in the first 2 years and made enough friends that the third year really took off. We have always intended for this to be a small event, so we had set a 200 ticket cap. We were very fortunate to sell out a month early, which freed us up to focus on making the day special instead of promoting. The results were fantastic and we found a wonderful new location.
The speakers rocked the day, continuing in the #frontendconf tradition of delivering awesome presentations and being very approachable. We also focused a lot more on being approachable ourselves because we had so much less stress with being sold out. The Day 2 presentations were really good as well and we even had a small contest for another character.
- Dan